$10k Your Way*

Feature Friday: Red Canyon Ranch From the $200's

February 21, 2015

Red Canyon Ranch in Norman OklahomaRed Canyon Ranch in Norman, Oklahoma offers 17 different floor plans to choose from ranging in size up to 2400+ square feet and starting from only $200,000. Convenience and peace are just two of the many benefits of living in Red Canyon Ranch. The community itself is nestled amongst walking trails, natural vistas, and rolling hills not to mention all the playground space and equipment for the kids.  Add to that its close proximity to Tecumseh Road providing easy access to 1-35, University of Oklahoma and Tinker Air Force Base. Norman is a unique town in that it is one of only 17 Fair Trade towns in the country. What this means is that the city supports buying locally whenever possible and if they are purchasing outside the area, they only buy from producers who meet Fair Trade standards. We think that's a pretty great way to support the local economy as well as other small economies that can benefit. CNN's Money Magazine ranked Norman the sixth best small city in the US and we tend to agree. Red Canyon Ranch is situated nicely to take advantage of the growing shopping and dinning Norman has to offer. We are not wanting for sporting events as the University sponsors many events nearby. Other attractions include the the Norman Music Festival, The Museum of Natural History, Theaters, and the largest French Impressionist painting collection in the United States. This peaceful community could be the location of your next new home in the Oklahoma City metro area. Just contact Elena today to set up an appointment for a visit.